Rimini Riviera - The town of Rimini

In 268 BC a troop of farmers and soldiers together with their families founded the latin colony Ariminum, in the area marked by the rivers Conca and Rubicone and close to Marecchia river mouth, which had already been settled by Etruscans, Umbrians and Greeks.


In no more than a century the natural landscape was replaced by a civilised environment, with typical Roman features still visible in the old town centre: the network of criss-crossing streets (cardines and decumani) which created rectangular blocks set up to accommodate buildings and the ancient Forum – the heart of public life and business transactions - in correspondence with the present square "piazza Tre Martiri". In the 1st century AD with the Emperor Augustus, Ariminum became one of the most important towns of the Roman Empire, as testified by the the celebrating Augustus Arch, the Tiberius Bridge on Marecchia river, whose name comes from the Emperor who finished to build it. The Emperor Octavius promoted the paving of the city streets; the Emperor Hadrian started the Amphitheatre. In the square "piazza Ferrari "tourists can visit the beautiful “Domus del Chirurgo” an ancient house of a doctor of Greek-Eastern cultural origin, which boasts colourful frescos, a set of chirurgical instruments and remains for containers and vials for medicines and provides visitors with a view on the life of ancient Ariminum.

For further information please visit the website of Riviera di Rimini



The name (in local pronunciation Arcaton) comes from the Greek and Byzantine occupation dated back to the sixth century AD: "Archeion" is the name of a plant, the burr, which still grows spontaneously in some areas of the beach now occupied by the bathing establishments but which was once abundant on the desert shore of Riccione.

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