Villa Mussolini

The building was bought by Donna Rachele Mussolini in 1934.

At first it was composed of two floors and a side turret in the south side. Restored in 1940 it later included other near buildings, a tennis court, the seat of the guard’s post and a large garden. The property extended till the current street via I. Nievo, in the area of the bus station. The building façade consisted in two main blocks joined by a patio with archways. While the bathers were looking with astonishment at the seaplane of the Duce and at she ship Aurora docked in the sea area opposite to the villa the news reports drew their attention to the Mussolini family proud and cheerful during their holidays. The villa hosted many important personalities, politicians, rich middle class and nobles, celebrities. In the postwar period, the housing complex was divided and the stretch of the current street viale Milano was replaced, running along the side of the back façade. Restored in 2005, today the villa is property of Riccione Municipality and hosts cultural events and exhibitions.


All year round Villa Mussolini hosts important exhibition events dedicated to the great photography. Steve Mc Curry Icons (14 April – 18 September 2022) follows Elliott Erwitt Family (19 December 2021 – 4 April 2022): they are both organized by the City of Riccione in collaboration with Civita Mostre e Musei, Maggioli Cultura and Agenzia SudEst57.


Steve McCurry Icons

14 April – 18 September 2022

opening hours:

from 14th April till 12th June: 

Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Closed on Mondays. Sunday and public holidays from 14th till 18th April, from 23rd till 25th April, from 29th April till 1st May, from 2nd till 3rd June: from 10:00 am till 8:00 pm.

from 13th June till 18th September:

Tuesday to Sunday from 04:00 pm till midnight. Closed on Mondays. 


Information: Civita Mostre office (mobile phone number +39 3371411260).

Open admission € 13, full € 12, reduced € 10 for groups of at least 12 visitors and special agreements, reduced € 5 for school groups and young people up to 24 years. Free admission: children under 6 years, 2 accompanying persons per school group, people with disabilities and the accompanying person.




Elliott Erwitt Family

19 December 2021 – 3 April 2022




Villa Mussolini hosts the Documentation Centre for UNESCO nomination process for the inscription on the World Heritage List of the beach of Riccione as an intangible part of the cultural heritage of Humanity. The Centre has become a place where to study, collect memories and testimonies, make this knowledge available to the community. The proposal of the nomination is part of a project to highlight the beach and its social uses and started in 2018 with the establishment of the Identity Committee of Riccione beach, represented by the bathing companies belonging to all the associations that manage the beach of Riccione. The project for the UNESCO nomination is realized thanks to the collaboration with the Centro Studi Avanzati sul Turismo (CAST) of the University of Bologna.


Villa Mussolini

Via Milano 31

tel. no. 00 39 0541 601457


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The name (in local pronunciation Arcaton) comes from the Greek and Byzantine occupation dated back to the sixth century AD: "Archeion" is the name of a plant, the burr, which still grows spontaneously in some areas of the beach now occupied by the bathing establishments but which was once abundant on the desert shore of Riccione.

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