Useful numbers


International Emergency Number and Carabinieri local station
Tel. no. 112; Carabinieri local station tel. no. + 39 0541 426100

Emergency and Ambulance
Tel. no. 118

Medical Assistance Service
Tel. no. + 39 0541 787461

ACI Roadside Assistance
Tel. no. 116

Beach Safety Public Service Announcements by Publiphono
Tel. no. + 39 0541 692508

Fire Rescue
Tel. no. 115

Tel. no. + 39 0541 608511

Italian Finance Police
Tel. no. 117

Local Police Station
Tel. no. + 39 0541 649444

Road Police
Tel. no. 113

Local Maritime Office
Tel. no. + 39 0541 644000; air-sea rescue tel. no. 1530

Gas and water emergency service - Hera
Gas tel. no. 800713666; water tel. no. 800713900

Electricity emergency service - Enel 
Tel. no. 803500

Tel. no. + 39 0541 645454

Marine Life Rescue - Fondazione Cetacea 
Tel. no. + 39 0541 691557

Street Cleaning and Maintenance - Geat
Tel. no. + 39 0541 668011

Tourist Information Centre
Tel. no. + 39 0541 426050


The name (in local pronunciation Arcaton) comes from the Greek and Byzantine occupation dated back to the sixth century AD: "Archeion" is the name of a plant, the burr, which still grows spontaneously in some areas of the beach now occupied by the bathing establishments but which was once abundant on the desert shore of Riccione.

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