Car and bike rentals


Car rentals

Sicilybycar at Rimini Airport open everyday; for information and bookings please call tel. +39 345-7887318

SEC snc di Sorci Marco & CO 



Bikes and electric cars rentals


Ale Bike 

Viale Malta 33 (viale Chiusi corner) - tel. +39 0541-600932 


Bazzotti Silvana

Piazza Giovanni XXIII – Viale D’Annunzio 114 – mob. +39 340-4721001
Viale Virgilio 57 - tel. +39 0541-646270


Dory Bike Rental

c/o Hotel Dory - via Puccini, 4 – tel. +39 0541-642896



via Gramsci, 182 - tel .+39 0541-600901


Noleggio Magnani 

via Spontini, 5 - mob. 3+39 29-0716334 


Max Move di Villani G. & C. sas

via Gramsci, 58 - mob. +39 339-1208127


Noleggio Valentina Riccione

p.le del Porto - mob. +39 347-2710657


Teknobike Store

via Adriatica, 55 - tel. +39 0541-607773


Technical assistance

Cicli Migani

Via Adriatica 145 - tel. +39 0541-602305


The name (in local pronunciation Arcaton) comes from the Greek and Byzantine occupation dated back to the sixth century AD: "Archeion" is the name of a plant, the burr, which still grows spontaneously in some areas of the beach now occupied by the bathing establishments but which was once abundant on the desert shore of Riccione.

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